Friday, September 12, 2008


It's me again I had a great day. I have got to do my GED report. And I might start GED Monday after 2nd Pd. This day cannot get any better. I am going to The Tennessee Valley Fair tomorrow. But tonight I am going to a motel room with my friends. Tasha and some others I have no clue who but we will find some people. (LOL) I want to find out what happened to Jeremiah. He stole a pair of sunglasses at school and the cops thought it was me. I mean if you don't want your things to get stole then you should lock your locker. I'm afraid that his dad won't let him talk to me. I was with him when he done it, but I had no clue that he took them until the cops pulled us aside. Apparently the school does have cameras that we all thought was just for show. It showed everything that me and him done. I am kinda worried about him. I feel like it's my fault cause if I didn't make him lay out with me He never would have had the opportunity to steal them. I knew that he knew better than to take them, but I really do kinda feel like it is my fault. I really don't want him to get into trouble with his dad. His dad didn't like me that much anyway. I miss talking to him. The ass holes at our school took away our phone so we can't talk to one another. Talk to you later.

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