Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hi, my name is Tabitha, but everyone else calls me Rayray. I don't know why they just do. So i guess this blogg is to tell you people how my life is well my life is going godd. But for the fact that the only boy that I have ever loved is getting married. And I know that it is going to be a big mistake but he don't see that know he thinks that he is in love. I know that this is going to sound mean but she is ugly. Ok i know that I'm Not the prettest thing in the world. But I look alot better than her. Well enough of that. My mom is dying, My sister is like the worst mother in the world, my Dad gets the biggest asshole award, and my Little brother thinks that he's the biggest badass in this town. My other sister Nikki She lives in North Carolina. Yes, I do know that Hurrican Hannah just hit there and Im sorta thankful couse now she is coming home the day after thanksgiving and staying till construction stops at her house. All of my BFFs are there for me wene ever i need them. Tiffany, Tasha, My Mamma ( I know don't laugh), Jeremiah, (the one that's making the biggest mistake of his life, Yes the one who's getting married.), and Jennifer she's in college so I don't get to see or hear from her much but wene I do I love it. That's basically I need right there to keep me going. I laid out of 3rd Pd today with Jeremiah. All he wanting to talk about is his wedding. God he sounded like a girl. I felt like telling him to shut his mouth. And kiss him for so long. I really do love him and he is never going to find out if he gets married.


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